Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

We provide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultation and executive coaching services that assist with enhancing multicultural competence. We work with clients to recognize individual and organizational strengths and limitations regarding DE&I related topics, and help them create positive change. We do this by offering services that are rooted in social-scientific research which emphasizes equity and inclusion.

Keynote speaking

Ruptures & Repairs: Conflict + Reconciliation + Acceptance

Interpersonal disputes can result in a variety of emotional ruptures that contribute to conflict in the work environment. This talk discusses ways to navigate through interpersonal conflict.

Workshops + Training

Multicultural Competence: An Introduction

This workshop helps teams to discuss the importance of each team members cultural identities. This talk is a great initial step into DE&I initiatives and frameworks.

Brick by Brick: Developing Sustainable DE&I Initiatives

This workshop helps organizations discuss ways to co-create an inclusive and equitable work environments. In this talk for executive leaders, Dr. Williams focuses on DE&I strategy, tactics, and metrics.

Microaggression(s): Recognition and Response

This training is designed to help individuals recognize microaggressions in the work environment and how bystanders can respond.

Anti-Racism and Advocacy

This workshop helps teams and organizations understand the key concepts of Anti-racism and how to advocate for change as an ally.

Executive Assessment & coaching

We provide executive coaching and consultation services to leaders who need assistance and advisement with topics related to DE&I.

Survey assessments

Diversity & Inclusion Consciousness Evaluation (DICE): The DICE is a survey assessment that assesses multicultural competence within an organization. The DICE can be administered to individuals, teams, and organizations.

Diversity & Inclusion Readiness Evaluation (DIRE): The DIRE is an organizational assessment that is used to evaluate organizational readiness related to diversity & inclusion progression and change.

Leader development

Diversity Formation Groups: The diversity formation groups are designed for executives and leadership teams to openly discuss DE&I related topics in a confidential setting with peers and team members. Our consulting team works with clients to help increase participants awareness, knowledge, and cross-cultural skills.