Keynote Speaking

We provide engaging talks on Multicultural Competence, Diversity, Inclusion, Resilience, Leadership, and Psychological Well-Being. Each talk can be customized for conferences, seminars, leadership meetings, and off-site retreats.

Follow Me: 5 Reasons They Will and 1 Reason They Won’t

This talk covers five leadership principles that are essential for. In addition, this talk addresses one reason that contributes to others being resistant to leaders. This talk integrates military leadership, psychology, and practical strategies to enhance participants ability to lead.

Not Black Enough: A Nomadic Reflection

Dr. Cedric Williams discusses the complexities of holding a variety of cultural identities. Specifically, how those identities have shaped his black identity development and how they have contributed to his professional and personal development. This talk highlights the importance of multicultural competence, diversity, inclusion, equity, and acceptance.

A Picture Worth a Thousand Feelings: Motive, Motivation, and Motif

Dr. Williams shares an experience of stumbling upon a childhood photograph during his doctoral degree. This talk is specifically for educators and leaders who have a great amount of influence in the formation of others. This keynote integrates principles of resilience, positive interpersonal relationships, and meaning-making.

Ruptures and Repairs: Conflict, Reconciliation, and Acceptance

Interpersonal disputes can result in a variety of emotional and occupational ruptures. This talk discusses ways to navigate through interpersonal conflict and highlighting the importance of pursuing reconciliation. In addition, this talk addresses the reality of impasses and the psychological concept of acceptance.

Unlikely: A Word of Encouragement for the Introverted Leader

This talk is for the introverted leader. It serves as an encouragement and affirmation of their personality while challenging them to continue to develop their leadership style. The introverted leader will walk away from this talk understanding why they don’t have to “look the part to be the part”.

The 36th Chamber: What’s Your Next Step?

This talk explores the idea of moving beyond being a visionary and identifying your next step of implementation. This talk is focused towards leaders who are seeking ways to research, assess, and develop strategies to make a difference in their current context and beyond.

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